Oh my. What an exciting week it's been in the BB dungeon. First of all, Harry attempted to kill Edna after an argument about socks (where he was hiding that battle-axe we may never know), secondly two members have fallen in love (Arthur and Spider-man) but most exciting of all - a surprise eviction! After losing a challenge involving arsenic, sausages, penetration and an Alsation, Simone Simone has had to leave on wednesday night! Lucky bitch(?) Keep watching BYE! for an exclusive interview with Simone, the first Big Brother evictee.
In other activity, Harry took a shit, Jeremy took a nap and Steph tried to lick her own anus. And failed. While severely damaging her spine. Causing instant paralysis. So now most of the footage of her will involve her just lying around doing nothing of interest... we may not notice a difference between her and the other contestants.
Who knows what drama may grow from the relationships between the competitors? God does. And he won't tell me, the prick.
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